A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped us by
completing our Customer Service Survey!
In our last newsletter, we explained that the Customer Service Survey is a key part of our two year Strategic Planning process. We are excited to report that we had 636 responses before our Survey closed on August 31st, 2024.
In evaluating the results of the survey, and excluding the responses of “not applicable”, TBPG received valuable feedback in all areas of customer service as shown below:
81% rated TBPG staff as courteous.
81% viewed positively the overall customer service.
76% rated TBPG staff as responsive.
81% viewed TBPG staff as knowledgeable.
85% viewed positively the online license renewal process.
84% viewed the information on the website as accurate.
83% viewed the TBPG Ethics video favorably.
81% rated favorably the accuracy of written materials.
Customer Service Survey Results 2024
We also want to thank everyone who took the time to leave constructive comments about what we are doing well or what we can do better. The survey results, and your comments, are a key component to updating our strategies for improving business operations and customer service.
We have already reached out to many of the people who left contact information in their comments, if we have not responded to you or if you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at: licensing@tbpg.texas.gov