Proposed Amendments and Repeals

There are no Proposed Amendments at this time.

Recently Adopted Rules

At the November 17, 2023 Board Meeting, TBPG adopted amendments to the following rule and it will be effective January 5, 2024:

22 TAC 851.22: Waivers and Substitutions: Policy, Procedures, and Criteria

Amendment to edit language stating that in order to be considered for a waiver of an examination requirement for licensure, a candidate has not failed the examination that is the subject of the waiver request. The Board added the language “in the last five years” to put a ‘cap’ on the time frame for which a candidate would not be eligible for a waiver.

  • The Board unanimously adopted this amendment.

At the November 17, 2023 Board Meeting, TBPG adopted the following rule and it will be effective January 5, 2024:

Adopted new subchapter and rule in 22 TAC 850: Subchapter E: Miscellaneous Board Procedures and Requirements; and 22 TAC 850.221: Procurement and Bid Protest Procedures.

TBPG is required by Government Code to develop and adopt protest rules and procedures regarding vendor bid protest.

  • The Board unanimously adopted this rule.

At the May 12, 2023 Board meeting, TBPG adopted amendments to the following rules and they are effective as of June 14, 2023:

22 TAC 851.10  Definitions

Adds the term “Digital Signature” to the definitions.

22 TAC 851.43  GIT Certification Period and Renewal

The amendment allows for a GIT to be renewed indefinitely without requiring action by the Appointed Board when all other renewal requirements are met.

22 TAC 851.156  Professional Geoscientist Seals and Geoscience Firm Identification

The TBPG recently received public comment asking that the Board clarify its rules on digital signatures. Upon review, the Board determined it necessary to include provisions in the rules defining and allowing licensees to use digital signatures to satisfy the signature requirements for electronic geoscience documents.

Current Rules

Rules by Section – Texas Administrative Code
Chapter 850

Subchapter A. Authority and Definitions
850.1.   Authority
850.10. Definitions

Subchapter B. Organization and Responsibilities
850.60. Organization and Responsibilities of the Board – General Provisions
850.61. Organization and Responsibilities of the Board – Meetings
850.62. General Powers and Duties of the TBPG
850.63. Responsibilities of the Appointed Board
850.65. Petition for Adoption of Rules

Subchapter C. Fees
850.81. Charges for Providing Copies of Public Information
850.82. Dishonored Payment

Subchapter D. Advisory Opinions
850.100. Subject of an Advisory Opinion
850.101. Request for an Advisory Opinion

850.102. Appointed Board Initiated Opinion
850.103. Receipt, Review, and Processing of a Request
850.104. Compilation of Advisory Opinions
850.105. Time Period

Chapter 851

Subchapter A. Definitions
851.10. Definitions

Subchapter B.  P.G. Licensing, Firm Registration, and GIT Certification
851.20. Professional Geoscientist Licensing Requirements and Application Procedure
851.21. Licensing Requirements-Examinations
851.22. Waivers and Substitutions: Policy, Procedures, and Criteria
851.23. Qualifying Experience Record
851.25. Education Requirements and Equivalents
851.26. Licensing of Military Service Members, Military Veterans, and Military Spouses
851.27. Replacement License Certificate or License Expiration Cards
851.28. Professional Geoscientist License Renewal and Reinstatement
851.29. Endorsement and Reciprocal Licensure
851.30. Firm Registration
851.31. Temporary P.G. License and Temporary Firm Registration
851.32. Continuing Education Program
851.35. Voluntary Surrender of a License, Registration or Certification
851.40. Geoscientist-in-Training (GIT)
851.41. Geoscientist-in-Training Certification Requirements and Application Procedure
851.43. GIT Certification Period and Renewal
851.44. Use of the Title “Geoscientist-in-Training”
851.80. Fees
851.85. Contingent Emergency/Disaster Response Actions

Subchapter C. Code of Professional Conduct
851.101. General

851.102. Competence/Negligence
851.103. Recklessness
851.104. Dishonest Practice
851.105. Conflicts of Interest
851.106. Responsibility to the Regulation of the Geoscience Profession and Public Protection
851.107. Prevention of Unauthorized Practice
851.108. Criminal Convictions
851.109. Substance Abuse
851.110. Effect of Enforcement Proceedings on Application
851.111. Professional Geoscientists Shall Maintain Confidentiality of Clients
851.112. Required Reports to the TBPG
851.113. Duty to abide by Board order and timely pay administrative penalty

Subchapter D. Compliance and Enforcement
851.151. General
851.152. Firm Compliance
851.153. Professional Geoscientist Compliance
851.155. Actions Following Certain Notifications Regarding Child Support Delinquency
851.156. Professional Geoscientist Seals and Geoscience Firm Identification
851.157. Complaints and Confidentiality
851.158. Procedures
851.159. Sanctions

Subchapter E. Hearings–Contested Cases and Judicial Review
851.201. Contested Case Hearings
851.202. Extensions of Time
851.203. Defaults
851.204. Costs of Administrative Hearings
851.220. Judicial Review Procedures

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