P.G. applicants must take the licensing exam(s) for their respective discipline or verify proof of passing examination scores when applying for licensure to the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists (TBPG). Please see the required examinations below.
Applicants for Geoscientist in Training (GIT) Certification are required to take the Fundamentals exam for their respective discipline or verify proof of passing examination scores before being issued a GIT Certification in the state of Texas.
Which Exam is Required (click to download)
ASBOG Fall 2025 Computer-Based Examinations
Certified Professional Soil Scientist Exams
The registration for the April 2 – 16, 2025 Soil Exams window is now open through March 24, 2025 linked on
Certification Exam Information
Remote Proctor Information
Exam Registration
Exam Information
Q3. July 2 – July 28, 2025
Q4. October 1 – October 27, 2025
Available Exam Dates:
Q3. August 6 – 20, 2025
Q4. November 5 – 19, 2025
Exam Registration is only available during the dates listed above, and only for the corresponding Available Exam Date. For example, if you want to take your exam in the July 24 – August 5, 2024 exam period, you would register in the June 20 – July 15, 2024 period.
Please see:https://www.soils.org/
Geology Exams (ASBOG® Examination) – Geology Discipline
TBPG utilizes the ASBOG Geology Examinations for P.G. licensure in the geology discipline. The ASBOG examinations are administered via Computer Based Testing through a partnership with Prometric. It is available twice a year at various testing locations in Texas, generally the third Friday in March and the first Friday in October. For a list of possible testing locations, see Prometric’s page HERE. To apply for approval to sit for the FG and/or PG examination(s), you must submit your application and all required documentation by the application deadline. Passing both exams are required for PG licensure.
Fundamentals of Geology (FG): The FG Exam is designed for applicants who meet the education requirements for licensure
To qualify to sit for the FG examination, applicants must hold a four-year degree in the geosciences, or a related field, with 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours of geoscience coursework.
To request to sit for the FG examination, you may apply/pay fees online, or you may submit the following items through mail or email:
- Exam Request (Form E) (this form may also be submitted online);
- Sealed official academic transcripts directly from your university. Transcripts may be sent to the TBPG at P.O. Box 13225 Austin, TX 78711 or emailed to licensing@tbpg.texas.gov directly from the university; and
- A $25 exam administration fee payable to TBPG. This fee can be paid by credit card after completing the online application or check/money order by mail. The TBPG can not accept payment over the phone or by email.
**Note: Once TBPG has approved and pre-registered a candidate to sit for an exam, the candidate will receive an email from registrations@isoqualitytesting.com with instructions regarding how to register, pay and schedule the exam.
Practice of Geology (PG): An application for approval to take the Practice of Geology (PG) examination is designed for applicants who have taken and passed the FG examination and have the required work experience required for licensure.
To qualify to sit for the PG examination, applicants must have 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours of geoscience coursework, hold a four-year degree, and have 5 years of qualifying work experience (or be within 6 months of obtaining 5 years of qualifying work experience). To qualify to sit for the PG examination, you MUST have P.G. Application/Initial Application for Geology Licensure on file.
To request to sit for the PG examination, you may apply/pay fees online, and submit the following the items with your request:
- Exam Request (Form E) (a paper form may also be submitted);
- Sealed official academic transcripts directly from University (sent to TBPG at P.0. Box 13225 Austin, TX 78711 or emailed to licensing@tbpg.texas.gov directly from the University;
- A $25 exam administration fee. This fee can be paid by credit card after completing the online application. The TBPG can not accept payment over the phone or by email.
- Application for P.G. Licensure/Initial Application for Geology (a paper form may also be submitted);
- Qualifying Work Experience Record (PDF) (a paper form may also be submitted)
- $255 initial license application fee. This fee can be paid by credit card after completing the online application.
**Note: Once TBPG has approved and pre-registered a candidate to sit for an exam, the candidate will receive an email from registrations@isoqualitytesting.com with instructions regarding how to register, pay and schedule the exam.
Geophysics Exams – Geophysics Discipline
Texas Fundamentals of Geophysics Examination (TFGE): Applicants for GIT certification may take the TFGE if the applicant meets the requirements for GIT certification: a four-year degree with 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours of geoscience coursework.
To request to sit for the TFGP you may apply/pay fees online, and submit the following the items with your request:
- Exam Request (Form E) (this form may also be submitted online);
- Sealed official academic transcripts directly from University (sent to TBPG at P.0. Box 13225 Austin, TX 78711 or emailed to licensing@tbpg.texas.gov directly from the University; and
- A $25 exam administration fee and the $75 examination fee, payable to TBPG. This fee can be paid by credit card after completing the online application or check/money order by mail. The TBPG can not accept payment over the phone or by email.
Texas Geophysics Examination (TGE): TBPG utilizes the Texas Geophysics Examination (TGE) for P.G. licensure in the geophysics discipline. To qualify to sit for the examination, you must demonstrate that you meet all the licensing requirements for Texas Professional Geoscientist licensure.
To qualify to sit for the TGE, applicants must have 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours [BA1] , hold a four-year degree, and have 5 years of qualifying work experience (or be within 6 months of obtaining 5 years of qualifying work experience). To qualify to sit for the TGE, you MUST have P.G. Application/Initial Application for Geophysics Licensure on file.
To request to sit for the TGE, you may apply/pay fees by credit card online, and submit the following the items with your request:
- Exam Request (Form E) (a paper form may also be submitted)
- Sealed official academic transcripts directly from University (sent to TBPG at P.0. Box 13225 Austin, TX 78711 or emailed to licensing@tbpg.texas.gov)
- A $25 exam administration fee payable and the $175 examination fee. All fees payable to TBPG. The TBPG can not accept payment over the phone or by email.
- Application for P.G. Licensure/Initial Application for Geophysics (PDF) (a paper form may also be submitted)
- Qualifying Work Experience Record (PDF) (a paper form may also be submitted)
If you meet the examination requirements and are approved to take the TGE or TFGE exam, you will be contacted to schedule your exam date and time. For additional information regarding the exam process and blueprint of the exams, please review the Texas Geophysics Examination Candidate Handbook.
The examinations are administered by paper and pencil in person at TBPG in Austin, Texas.
Soil Science Exams (Council of Soil Science Examiners) – Soil Science Discipline
TBPG utilizes the Council of Soil Science Examiners (CSSE) exam, administered by CSSE for P.G. licensure. For more information on the exam, visit the CSSE website or call 608/273-8085.
Proof of passing scores on both portions of the CSSE exam is required in order to be licensed in the soil science discipline. If you have passed the CSSE Soil Science licensing examinations, please download Form V – CSSE Verification of Exam Scores and submit completed form to CSSE for verification of exam scores. CSSE will forward verification directly to TBPG.
TBPG has developed a waiver policy for the examinations. Please review the policy requirements on Form VI (Request for Waiver-Policy and Acknowledgement) to determine eligibility.